childhood obesity journal author guidelines

Use journal abbreviations as provided by PubMed/Medline. All submissions are subject to peer review. 1 In Australia, the number of obese children has greatly increased over the past 30 years with current figures showing that one in four Australian children aged between 5 and 17 years are considered to be overweight or obese. If you have questions, please contact us for more information. It is dedicated to increase knowledge, fostering research, and promoting better treatment for people with obesity. If the study is judged exempt from review, a statement from the committee is required. In keeping with patients' rights of privacy, the Journal does not require the submission of patient consent forms, but instead requires the author(s) to retain and archive all patient consent documentation. •    No abstract However, the Editor(s) will strive to expedite manuscript handling if/when special circumstances dictate. Please ensure that the title page of the submission page carries the full affiliation details and email addresses of all authors who should be noted as a corresponding author. The prevalence of childhood obesity continues to rise despite decades of clinical and public health efforts. Journal editors will treat with caution any submission from a sanctioned country regarding the subject matter and will seek appropriate legal advice from the publisher if necessary. Informed consent should be obtained if there is any doubt that anonymity can be maintained. In treating childhood obesity, medications should only be used as part of a comprehensive weight management program; they have only been studied in conjunction with supervised diet and … Journal of … It is mandatory for the corresponding author to register with the JOCD electronic manuscript tracking system before submitting an article. If you have questions, please contact us for more information. It is strictly prohibited to publicly share, post, or otherwise distribute the PDF in any media format. Criteria for initial considerations for papers submitted will be originality, statistical provability of all data, and applicability to the aims of the Journal as a whole. The definition of obesity varies but is based on body mass index (BMI) cutoffs described below. CDC’s framework for obesity prevention, in the ECE setting is known as the Spectrum of Opportunities Cdc-pdf [PDF-666KB].The Spectrum identifies ways that states, and to some extent communities, can support child care and early education facilities to achieve recommended standards and best practices for obesity prevention. Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author as designated in Manuscript Central when the manuscript was submitted. Letters submitted for publication must be original and must not be submitted to any other publication simultaneously. 3. Purpose: The purposes or this study were to (a) describe the prevention practices of nurse practitioners (NPs) regarding childhood obesity, (b) compare the practices of NPs by specialty, practice setting, and awareness of childhood obesity prevention guidelines… 8 Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as weight in kilograms … Include among the references any articles that have been accepted but have not yet published; identify the name of publication and add "In Press." It is not necessary to spell out standard units of measure. If funding information is entered correctly, the publisher will deposit the funding acknowledgements from the article as part of the standard metadata to FundRef. •    1,000-word limit Childhood Obesity Prevention. Authorship may be altered after submission or acceptance of a paper ONLY with the expressed written approval of all authors named on the manuscript, as well as the individual(s) being added and/or deleted. Review Articles If you have created images with separate components on different layers, please send us the Photoshop files. For details, please visit the information for authors on the journal website. Corrections to affiliations or contact information due to relocation after publication is not permitted. •    No figures or tables -Case studies are accepted with a view to add additional information related to the investigative research that advances in the field of Health Science. Editors ensure the written quality of print and online publications. All submitting authors are required to complete their submissions using an ORCID identifier. •    Any not-for-profit subject-based preprint servers or repositories. This notice will contain all relevant details of the accusation, investigation, and the resulting conclusions. They should be referred to in the text in parentheses: (AB Jones, personal communication). Preferably, the details of the methods used in the experiments should be described in the legend instead of the text. Obese children are likely prone to several health effects like high … This information should be outlined in the cover letter accompanying the submission, and in a sentence declaring adherence should be included in the Materials and Methods section of the manuscript. Journal of Childhood Obesity brings articles in all areas related to causes, cure, effects and prevention of childhood obesity on Quarterly basis. Their duties might include reading manuscripts, making sure that a writer's formatting fits for guidelines, correcting grammatical or factual errors and making suggestions for improvement. References are listed and numbered in the order that they appear in the text. USA. The current version was created on and has been used by 543 authors to write and format their manuscripts to this journal. When there are three or more sequential citations, they should be given as a range. Attitudes and Social Norms Are Related to Attendance at Childhood Obesity Prevention Classes in a Rural Mexican-Heritage Community Full length article Lucia L. Kaiser, Banafsheh Sadeghi, Iraklis E. Tseregounis, Rosa D. Manzo, Lisa Martinez, Maria I. Rangel, … When allegations concern authors, the peer review and publication process for the manuscript in question will cease while the process described herein is researched. -Article/s should provide a critical description or analysis of the data presented while adding new and rapidly evolving areas in the field. -Review articles are  based mostly on secondary data that is falling in line with the theme of the journal. Meetings abstracts, conference talks, or papers that have been submitted but not yet accepted should not be cited. Lampe, E. W., et al. Among children aged 6-11 years, rates of obesity climbed from 7% in 1980 to 18% in 2010. For those that are deemed suitable, a minimum of two expert reviewers in the area of study will be selected to assess the scientific basis and significance of the manuscript. At one level, research on child and adolescent obesity rates is easy to understand. Preventing Childhood Obesity: Evidence Policy and Practice. Authors must honor any reasonable request for materials, methods, or data necessary to reproduce or validate the research findings during peer review unless it violates the privacy or confidentiality of human research subjects. Upon official publication of the article, news organizations must link directly to the published article on the publisher’s journal website. •    The authors’ integrity remains intact; the work should never be altered in such a way that the author's reputation or integrity may be damaged. If the corresponding author expects to be unavailable during the time the manuscript is in production, the publisher should be provided with an alternate contact. Letters to the Editor/Concise Communications. Health … This original submission version of the article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with the Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers’ self-archiving terms and conditions. English-Language Translation with Editing Services Maximum word count for original articles should not exceed 3,000 words. Obesity is an emerging condition and plays a central role in the development of non-communicable diseases like diabetes, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and cancer ().Due to the tight relation with type 2 diabetes, the combination of the two diseases is often called ‘diabesity’ and treated accordingly (). As part of regular well-child care, the doctor calculates your child's BMI and determines where it falls on the BMI-for-age growth chart. 1. ATTENTION:  To ensure the receipt of all communications from the journal editorial office and publisher, please whitelist the following domains to prevent spam filter detection or non-deliverables: Failure to whitelist these domains may significantly hinder the progress of peer review on submitted manuscripts, and the production process of accepted papers. A child who is obese at age 6 has a 25% chance of being obese as an adult, and a child who is obese at age 12 has a 75% chance of being obese as an adult. Images should not show the name of a patient or a manufacturer. Approval by a responsible review committee does not preclude editors from forming their own judgment whether the conduct of the research was appropriate. For further information, consult the World Medical Association’s website:, Upon acceptance of any manuscript, all authors will receive an email with detailed instructions and a unique, author-specific link to access and complete our online Copyright Agreement form. All manuscripts will be processed through plagiarism detection software prior to peer review. You must have an account in ScholarOne for Childhood Obesity before logging in with an ORCID identifier. You will be asked to retype these search terms in the submission form when uploading your manuscript. Childhood obesity has become a growing problem among US children. Silver Spring, MD: Author. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers offers authors many options and opportunities to self-archive their work. Metabolic and bariatric surgery are existing but underuse treatment options for pediatric patients with severe obesity. PubMed Central, PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, etc.). If references to personal communications or unpublished data are used, they are not to be in the list of references. The increased frequency and severity of childhood obesity is accompanied by the expected medical complications. Child Obes 2020;16:70-85. Editorials Journal of Childhood Obesity is self-financed and does not receive funding from any institution/government. If the paper is still under peer review, the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to withdraw the paper from consideration to the Journal. The self-archived submitted and accepted versions may only be used in non-commercial capacities. •    Accepted Version: The article version that has been formally accepted after peer review, prior to any typesetting for the journal. Amplify your research with engaging infographics, video abstracts, plain language summaries, and more to ensure your manuscript is discovered, read, and cited. Include a corresponding footnote, using the asterisk, on the title page that reads, "These authors contributed equally to this work and are considered to be co-first authors.". Guidelines for Journal of Childhood Obesity. Hayes AF. •    Maximum total of eight (8) figures and/or tables Definition of Childhood Obesity Defining obesity requires a suitable measurement of body fat and an appropriate cutoff range. Changes in authorship after submission or acceptance of a paper are strongly discouraged, but the editorial leadership recognizes that in certain circumstances, it may be required. The accepted version may be placed on: Post-publication changes or alterations to conference abstracts are prohibited. Page proofs are considered to be the final version of the manuscript and no changes will be made in the manuscript at the proof stage. Letters should not exceed 500 words of text and 5 references. Title. •    The author's personal website Childhood Obesity aims to maintain a short, but thorough peer-review process. Obesity is the most prevalent nutritional disorder among children and adolescents in the United States. In general, the text should be organized under the headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions. To upload a revision of a manuscript, the submitting author should log in to their Author Center at and click on “Revised Manuscripts in Draft.”  All revised submissions will be required to meet all formatting conditions described herein. To support non-native speakers, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., has partnered with Editage to provide language editing and translation services for a fee prior to official submission. Childhood encourages authors to include a declaration of any conflicting interests and recommends you review the good practice guidelines on the SAGE Journal Author Gateway. The Editor-In-Chief will arrive at a conclusion as to whether there is enough reasonable evidence that the possibility of misconduct occurred. The CC-BY license permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. Childhood Obesity Obesity is being increasing rapidly in children due to several factors like genetic, environmental and hormonal factors. Following peer review, the Editor and/or Associate Editors will determine if the paper should be accepted, require revision, or is unacceptable for publication. Remember that the journal has a global readership, so clear and concise non-vernacular language is most effective, Avoid the use of specific locations in the title, Do not use proprietary/trademarked names in the title, Do not use acronyms in the title unless they are universally recognized and accepted, Title page (with full manuscript title, all contributing authors’ names, academic degrees, their complete affiliations and addresses, and institutional email addresses, a short running title, a denotation of the corresponding author, and a list of 3-6 keywords), Main text (do not embed figures or tables), Conclusion (as a separate paragraph, not as part of the Discussion section), Authorship confirmation statement (see below), Author(s’) disclosure statement(s) (see below), Supplemental Information (if applicable; NOTE: Supplemental Information will not be copyedited or typeset; it will be posted online as supplied.). Do not include any illustrations as part of your text file. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers permits the use of accepted pre-published manuscripts for the sole purpose of pitching to news organizations under strict embargo, and with the approval of and expressed collaboration with the publisher. The order of elements in each manuscript should be: Note: The keywords are search terms that will aid in the discoverability of the article in indexing services and search engines. Initial fact-finding will usually include a request to all the involved parties to state their case and explain the circumstances in writing. In questions of research misconduct centering on methods or technical issues, the Editor-in-Chief may confidentially consult experts who are blinded to the identity of the individuals, or if the allegation is against an Editor, an outside expert. Author information. Medical Consequences of Childhood Obesity. Please click on the link for the charges. In order to reduce delays, authors should adhere to the level, length and format of the iMedPub Journals at every stage of processing right from manuscript submission to each revision stage. Authors can freely download the PDF file. Back to top. It should be concise, comprehensive and brief reports of cases or research findings. Depending on the length and complexity of any accepted submission, these steps typically take 3-6 weeks from acceptance. The rate of youngsters aged 6-11 years in the United States who were obese expanded from 7% … •    5,000-word limit Children who are obese are above the normal weight for their age and height.Childhood obesity is particularly troubling because the extra pounds often start children on the path to health problems that were once considered adult problems — diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. In: Waters E, Swinburn BA, Seidell JC, Uauy R, eds. is supplied as a single PDF file, where possible. SAGE is committed to upholding the integrity of the academic record. If the investigation is not resolved by the time the next print issue of the journal is to be published, the Expression of Concern will be published as official content in the print issue. Journal of Obesity & Eating Disorders [email protected] Submit a Manuscript. The Obesity Society Recognizes National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, … Hard copies of the documents are available on request. ( Figure legends:These should be typed in numerical order on a separate sheet. Based on recent studies, the BBC News website includes statements such as 'obesity affects 12% of under-11s' (14 th December, 2006), and 'Levels of obesity in children aged two to 10 years rose from 9.9% to 13.4% between 1995 and 2004, according to the Health Survey for England.' Authors are responsible for any fees that may be incurred by securing permission to reproduce or adapt material from other published sources. 3.1 Publication ethics. Figures should not be embedded within the manuscript file. Your article will be easily searchable on Google, Google Scholar, and other search engines. Authors are not allowed to publish or self-archive the article of record on any website, social media platform, or repository without permission from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers, unless they publish their paper Gold Open Access (OA). Principles of drug disposition in domestic animals: The basis of Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology. In the case of allegations against reviewers or editors, they will be replaced in the review process while the matter is investigated. Childhood Obesity delivers action-oriented content addressing prevention and management strategies during the formative years of childhood and adolescence. While a manuscript submission may contain some redundancy in language and content (i.e., Materials and Methods) compared to work previously published by authors, self-plagiarism can infringe upon copyright. Baggot, JD. It is the same version published in the “Online Now” section of the journal website.   Regular type              1705    1991    1569 If the reference has been published online, provide the DOI number in place of the page range. At first usage, spell out terms and provide abbreviations in parentheses. It is the corresponding author's responsibility to share the page proofs with co-authors, if desired, and to coordinate all authors' corrections into one proof. A total of 1520 children, 9 to 10 years of age, born to mothers in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth were studied. If you choose to publish with open access, you will retain copyright of your article and a Creative Commons license will be applied. -A clear title of the article along with complete details of the author/s (professional/institutional affiliation, educational qualifications and contact information) must be provided in the title page. The Publisher is committed to protecting the integrity of the public scientific record by sharing reasonable concerns with authorities who are in the position to conduct appropriate investigations into any reported allegations. The liberal Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) license is the default open access license used at Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers. Diabetes in Children … While a manuscript submission may contain some redundancy in language and content (i.e., Materials and Methods) compared to work previously published by authors, self-plagiarism can infringe upon copyright. Editors and reviewers must maintain strict confidentiality of manuscripts during the peer-review process. Open access articles are highlighted and promoted in targeted email announcements to thousands of research leaders in your field. Appropriate use of English is a requirement for review and publication in Childhood Obesity. Papers from sanctioned countries that are submitted to any Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., journal MUST contain a confirmation statement after the conclusion section of the manuscript which indicates that EACH listed author confirms that their research is supported by an institution that is primarily involved in education or research. Childhood Obesity can be prevented by the help of parents and other family members, by applying small changes in the daily food habits. Childhood Obesity is owned and published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers, 140 Huguenot Street, 3rd Floor, New Rochelle, NY 10801; Tel: 914-740-2100; Email:; Website: In schools - the role of the nature of the school nurse ( Position )! Editor commenting on the title page the copyright policies of your institution, government, and feature... Short, but Excel files should not show the name and complete the submission form when uploading your.. 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