when to separate pregnant molly

Gender Indication Signs: Male vs Female Molly 1. The male fish often chases around the female, wishing to copulate more, and this could cause stress on the pregnancy. The Sailfin mollies are a type that contain a fin comparable to the “sail” in ships. Remove any leftover food from the tank in order to keep the tank clean. Here Come The Fry Babies!Mollies are live-bearing fish. Keep an eye on the newly introduced fry and make sure that the other fish are not harming them or are a threat to their existence. You only need to separate them if you want to try & amp; save the babies, but they need to be separated from mom too. The molly fish cannot live in brackish water, so it is best to put some salt into the water of your fish tank. You should do a 20 percent water change every week in order to ensure the failure of ammonia and nitrates build up in the tank water. Mollies give birth to live babies. Her employer and members of his staff are suspicious about a gap in the surveillance footage of th… This way the strongest fry will survive by hiding in the plants until they’re big enough to no longer pass for a tasty snack. I just want to separate them while they are having the babies, and so the other fish can’t get to them. However, it has been known to be slightly shorter or longer. Make sure that you have a decent filter. They are plastic containers that you put the pregnant female molly in (or any livebearing fish). They also like to hang around close to the heater in order to stay warm. If your fish tank is full of hiding spaces and has a cover, then there is a pretty good chance that the fry will survive. I was just about to transfer the fish and she gave birth to lots of tiny fry!! It is best to separate a pregnant female so that the male cannot eat their young. If you've opted for a separate tank to keep the fry isolated from the adult fish, separate the mother as soon as you can after you've noticed she's pregnant. Observe their behavior and make sure that they are all hiding or moving. also, how can i tell when … If the mother Molly and the molly babies are in the same tank, then observe the mother and see whether she is showcasing any aggressive behavior towards the fry. Molly Fish (The Ultimate Guide) – Types, Breeding, Tankmates & More. Read more…. If you want to direct your fry into the breeding tank then slowly allow the water flow from the plastic bag to the breeding trap to prevent any fry from going into the bigger aquarium. Gestation time is actually the time from copulation to giving birth to babies or either the fertilization process is not necessarily happening. It's difficult to tell the difference between the females but I can say the one in the last photo is fairly pregnant. How To Tell if My Molly Fish is Pregnant? You may find the idea intimidating at first, but don’t worry, breeding mollies is both easy and a very rewarding experience that I will help you navigate. Water changes are also an important part of keeping healthy mollies. It is vital that your filter is safe or else there is a chance that your fry will get sucked up. Another thing you should do is monitor the temperature of your fish tank by using an aquarium thermometer. Female mollies have dull, Timid, and Demure color schemes that’s why the bolder … If the number of males surpasses the females, the environment of the tank will be anything but healthy. If you plan on raising the molly babies to adulthood, then you will have to choose from a couple of options to prevent the female molly from eating the newly born fry. After struggling to reconnect with her family after returning from a year alone in space, Molly learns from her doctor and friend that she is unaccountably pregnant, and yet cannot understand why. If you instantly introduce the fry into the fish tank, then some may die because of the shock. You can use both natural and artificial plants but artificial ones are more suitable as they do not cause an unnecessary mess. The behavior of the molly fish changes if it is kept in a small overcrowded tank. Transfer the fry few at a time so that you do not overcrowd the trap. One of the many options for keeping the fry safe from adults is to keep a breeding box in your fish tank. ... if u do not want to see the babies being eaten you will have to separate the pregnant molly, breeding boxes are available on the fish store for this purpose . This page may contain affiliate links, which will earn us a commission. Baby mollies have a short digestive cycle, which means they should be fed often (3-5 times a day) in small portions throughout the day. Read more about molly types here . You may need about 5 watts for every gallon of water in your fish tank. These babies are known as Fry. This will be easier for the fry to eat. The most important thing you should be aware of is that the fry will outgrow the mesh box very quickly and would have to be transferred into a separate tank before they are introduced into the larger main fish tank. Black molly fish are short-tailed molly fish that give birth every 60 to 70 days. Once you are sure that your molly is pregnant, transfer her into a separate tank. Molly Fish Care Guide – How to Care for Mollies? The pet store will provide you with a chunk of its used filter pad to place in your new filter. What is the life expectancy of the molly fish? Most molly fish generally live up to 5 years, but it depends on the variety of molly. The constant haunting by the males stresses out the female mollies. Do I need an air pump? If you have a running filter in your fish tank, then you do not necessarily need an air pump, although it does provide a good back up option for when your filter fails. How can I grow my fry faster? There is, in reality, no way to speed up the rate with which your molly fry grows. If you’ve watched your molly fish closely, you may have noticed their behavior during courtship and copulation. Keep a close eye on them and mark your calendar when you see signs on pregnancy. Mollies grow to be up to 10 cm long; so it helps to have a large tank, as otherwise, it will be difficult for them to move around. Mollies mostly release approximately 10 to 60 live fish at once. Carefully observe the progress of your fry. If you’ve gotten down the science of raising molly fish, you may be ready for the next step in your adventure of keeping mollies – breeding them. In a tank that is too big, the fry have difficulty locating their food. The more decorations and plants you have in your aquarium, the safer the molly will feel. Once a female is pregnant it is important to separate her from the male. Because the gestational period for a molly fish is only 60 days, it will go pretty quickly. Guppies generally give birth to between five and 20 babies -- but can have 100 or more -- at a time. The timid fish gets pushed around a lot by other fish in the tank. If you didn’t intend your molly fish to breed or you didn’t know that you have pregnant molly fish, you may leave the fry in with the adult fish. Apologies for my newness to this and I appreciate your help and advice. This will isolate the mother fish from her fry and keep her within the box. What to Do (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srtElKmfEBs). What are the chances of them surviving with just plants,and not seperating them. Baby molly fish eat baby brine shrimp, vinegar eels, micro worms, baby fish food, high quality flake foods crushed into a powder, etc. They begin to hide more and are always alert of their surroundings. In simple words, gestation time is the duration in which a molly can become pregnant after copulation. In about two months, the fry will be large enough to move to the standard aquarium. The reason for this is he will want to keep mating with her even in her fragile state and she does not need the added stress. If you want to keep the fry separate from the mother, then about a 10-gallon tank is sufficient. I have a pregnant black molly, myself! Adult mollies – but other fish too that you may keep with your mollies – will not shy away from eating their own fry if they’re not removed from their tank. ... if u do not want to see the babies being eaten you will have to separate the pregnant molly, breeding boxes are available on the fish store for this purpose . How to humanely put my Oscar to sleep forever? I purchased an aquarium which is only a starter kit and approximately 25 litres in size. For example, the Dalmation molly is pregnant for 50-70 days and gives birth to grown young fish that do not need to be kept separate. BUT – on the down side – I have noticed that there were also VERY tiny worms gliding up the tank walls right after she delivered a cloud of fry? Raising baby molly fish isn’t difficult either. You'll never stop it unless you completely separate the males from the females as soon as you can identify them by sex. She reminisces seeing a deceased former lover visit her at the Seraphim space station during her mission. The breeding scenario is really affected by the male to female ratio of your fish tank. I dont want to disturb her. While they do produce a lot of fry, they’re also very bad at keeping them alive. Thread starter DarkShadow435; Start date Mar 4, 2007; click to vote now! Does the tank size affect the growth of the molly fry? The tank has no effect on the growth of the fry unless it is too small or overcrowded. A thing that should be kept in mind is that mollies need a diet that is high in fiber; so vegetables and algae should be dominant components of their daily meals. If the mother seems tense, just move her into a separate tank. I cant quite tell if my female molly is pregnant or not, but the last time she gave birth the babies were eaten because she had them in the aquarium. The female can store the sperm of the male for months, which means that she’ll be able to give birth multiple times even if no males are present in the tank. limit the number of males to females). Your email address will not be published. How to tell if a Swordtail Fish is Mating? Something which is very different from their normal behavior. These fish tanks are super addicting and especially when you keep mollies. Please always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. Member. You’ll be able to tell the molly is pregnant by a very distended belly. Pregnant Molly? Add plenty of plants to your fish tank as mollies feed on algae scrapings from the tank plants. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Do I have to separate my pregnant black molly fish ? 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. Thank you so much. Keep an eye on the fry in your fish tank. Keeping one male with three females is the recommended ratio for breeding these fish, any more will create too many pregnant molly fish and too many molly babies as a result. The first thing that you should do is create a beneficial breeding environment for the mollies. Types Of Molly Fish And Their Characteristics When I say “molly fish,” your molly fish that is present in your tank right now will come to your mind. X Research source You generally have between 24 and 30 days to make accommodations for your new fry once the mother shows signs of pregnancy. To prevent this from happening, place the pregnant female in a separate 5-20 gallon breeding tank just before she releases the fry. Mollies are actually hierarchical fish, so the male with the biggest fins and the brightest colors is in charge. Live-bearing fish do not lay eggs but give birth to live tiny little fish babies. Jul 12, 2017. Wild mollies are known to eat lots of algae and you can even observe this in your aquarium as it is quite common for the molly fish to eat scraps of algae present on the decorations and glass of the tank. Once the fry is born you should place the mother molly back into the main aquarium as there is a chance that the molly might eat its own babies. Adding plants to your fish tank is also necessary in order to provide your fry with shelter and ample hiding spots. Mollies are not the most aggressive fish species out there but the behavior of the female molly fish changes during the length of its pregnancy. Probably those tiny worms are planaria. Feed the fry several times a day and always give them a pinch of food. Mollies are fairly easy to breed; so anyone can easily set up the tank and breed mollies. My local store where I purchased all the fish at once had given me some tips and to double check I pH tested the water from the tank and all was good so I assumed she was right and the male Molly had actually appeared to have killed them! It simply doesn’t register for them that they’re parents and they easily mistake their own fry for food. It is important that you have the nursery tank set up before the pregnant female molly gives birth. Conclusion I would estimate about a 1 1/2 - 2 weeks for the last one til she gives birth. G. girl4God81 Fish Crazy. If she starts giving birth should I immediatly mov her to a separate tank? You can ensure the long-term health and safety of your new baby mollies by: The first thing you should do is get a fish tank that has a capacity of about five to twenty gallons. Mollies really love decorations. Mollies are known to stay civil with other fish. Joined Mar 3, 2007 Messages 398 Reaction score 0 Location Texas. 1 female molly, 2 male platies, and a male molly. You can buy these relatively cheaply at most pet stores. Plus, the mother tends to get stressed out being confined in a small area like that, and can abort the fry. So even if your fish tank has no males, the female molly might end up pregnant. Mollies are actually omnivorous fish so they can eat all kinds of food including live, artificial and frozen food. Male mollies usually acquire Bolder and Brighter color patterns than the Female Mollies. Overall, a typical molly fish pregnancy will last between twenty (20) and forty days (40) varying between different fishes and species. The best way to keep mollies is in a group as they are very social. First, let the bag sit in the fish tank water for about 15 minutes in order to bring the water temperature of the bag equal to the temperature of the fish tank. Live food such as brine shrimp, tubifex and bloodworm are also good additions to their meal plan. Initiate. Aquarium molly fish are pregnant and what should I do. A swollen belly and dark line at the underside of the molly are sure told signs that your molly is pregnant. After reproduction, it will take your mollies a couple of weeks until they give birth. Thank you for any help in advance. Is she possibly pregnant as she has all the signs.. bloated, black dot, etc and why do you think has she all-of-a-sudden started hiding behind everything, ignoring me and usual food-time and being hugely erratic in bursts? Male mollies chase the female in order to copulate more and this puts unnecessary stress on the female molly.  Be sure not to wait very close to the birth date; remove the female molly from her aquarium as soon as possible. Changes in color – Colorful molly breeds will develop a black line on their lower bellies; Swollen belly – On some molly fish (e.g. ... You can try to move her into a separate tank, but it might be too close to birth now. How many pellets should I feed my molly? It actually all depends on the size of the pellet. Therefore, you can start by setting up the tank either way, place the pregnant molly fish into it and remove her after she’s given birth. Once you are sure that your molly is pregnant, transfer her into a separate tank. When you want to move the fry into the larger tank, just submerge the breeding trap into the water of the large tank and open the door. Mollies are more comfortable in water that is a little warm. They have a good appetite, however, the opening of their mouths is small, so you must feed them foods that fit into their mouths. In my experience, however, pregnant molly fish will become more reclusive and will seek out darker areas of the aquarium as they’re preparing to give birth. The fry are more likely to do better in the fishbowl, than the male molly – this is why I recommend this option. To be able to do this, however, you must know how to spot the signs that your molly fish is pregnant. Hey, I'm Fabian, chief editor at Aquarium Nexus. So now I have just the male molly and what is now obviously a female – after much research! Use water from your normal aquarium in order to get the fry used to the environment which will eventually be their home. When your pregnant molly starts isolating herself to the extent of not leaving a particular place, then you should put her in a separate tank so that it can give birth comfortably. The third way of saving molly fry is something that you already must have set up in your aquarium and that’s lots of live plants and hiding spaces. There should be enough room for the fry to freely move around. You can add bacteria from an already-operating tank to your new tank in order to jump-start the process. Go. AquariumNexus.com does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. What other fish can mollies peacefully live with? Mollies live well with glofish, guppies, tetras and possibly gouramis. The spot near the anal vent will also get darker and become completely black when the female molly is about to give birth. That is, of course, if you were able to catch them in the action. Broad-leafed plants like Java ferns and grasses are some good options to put in your nursery fish tank. If your brightly-colored molly is pregnant, you will begin to see a black line on its lower belly. Use a standard aquarium net to transfer the fry if the two tanks are close to one another. As for your pregnant molly separate her from the main tank, giver her a tank to herself, make sure that there are some plants in the nursery so the young can run and hide from mommy dearest if she should happen to give birth while your sleeping. You can use a breeding trap. Both the male and female…, These Molly fish are called Sailfin because their dorsal fin looks like a sail from…, Molly fish are small-sized tropical fish that, as a result of hybridization and selective breeding,…. Color. You need good filtration system, so use a sponge filter which is fry safe. The fish also do not like drastic changes in the temperature of the tank. I have an isolation/breeder tank in my 20 Gal so i don’t have to completely remove any pregnant fish. If they are far from each other then move the fry to a large bowl filled with water and carry them to your normal tank. Guppies generally give birth to between five and 20 babies -- but can have 100 or more -- at a time. Baby Molly fish need a little extra care for optimal growth and good survival rate, to achieve this they must be raised in a separate Nursery Tank Or Breeding Tank; tank size can be 5 gallon to 10 gallon depending on the size of the brood. Tiny worms are normal in any aquarium ecosystem. Molly fry aren’t difficult to raise, the key is to know how to separate them effectively from adult fish, how to feed them and keep their water parameters at optimal levels. 1 female molly, 2 male platies, and a male molly. Thank you for any help in advance. Remember to sterilize the mesh by using warm water in order to provide the fry with a clean environment. Aww that's pretty exciting! Another tricky aspect of the molly pregnancy is that the female mollies have the ability to store sperm for months and they can fertilize their eggs as often as 30 days. In this case, pH is irrelevant. Mollies can breed up to 100 fry at one time plus they breed quite often, so expect a lot of fry if you attempt to breed them. Although the hornwort provides some protection, I've often found that it is safer to keep the the fry separate from their parents. If you purchase the fry from the pet store or a breeder, then remember to pick them up as quickly as possible after birth and make sure that you carry the fry in a sealed bag filled with warm water and sufficient room for the fry to move around. Another thing you can do is make your own filter modification. You should test your aquarium for ammonia and nitrites and not the pH. In about 2 weeks’ time, they’ll be large enough to no longer be in danger of getting eaten. First, you should make use of your breeding trap and then transfer the fry a few at a time to your normal tank. This is my favorite food. Once they are ready to give birth, you will get anywhere between 10 and 60 fry. Keep up with regular water changes, and give them lots of places to hide. I originally bought 2 mollies, one bottom feeder and 2 guppies but the male Molly appeared to have attacked the male guppies overnight and they were floating in the morning. how can i separate her without stressing her out? You can tell a female molly is pregnant when you see a gravid spot or dark spot on her plump belly near her anus. i have her in a small breeding trap with a plant but i saw that that can stress her out too. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Mollies need places to hide from other bully fish. Babies? You may notice the male molly fish under the female molly, which is how they copulate. The birth tank should have hideout places to hide from the larger fish or the mother. Try not to crowd the breeding trap. *Please advise if you disagree* … A female will produce approximately 60 fry per brood and can become pregnant again within a matter of weeks. [8] This will be a little hard to notice if you have black mollies. Mollies are actually very messy and they are constantly moving around and eating. Required fields are marked *, Fish keeping and aquariums has been my hobby for almost 20 years. Here Come The Fry Babies!Mollies are live-bearing fish. Also, love your friendly style and addictive enthusiasm for the little guys Otherwise there's a good chance she will begin to eat her young.Baby mollies should be kept separate from the main tank until they have grown large enough that they are too big to be eaten by other fish. She will eat her own babies. Be prepared that you may end up with a lot of fry if you don’t take measures to control their population (e.g. If fertilization was successful, you will notice changes in your female molly during the gestation period. They become more aggressive, and the small space puts stress on their health. Is she infected with something or is that usually the case? the female is pregnant and the male keeps trying to mate with her but i dont want her to stress out. Allow the fish to move around in the breeding trap before you release them into the larger tank. She may eat some fry. Proper tank conditions allow your mollies to: For a small group of molly fish, the ideal tank should be able to hold at least 50 liters of water, but as they are very active fish, so a 100-liter tank should be bought to be on the safe side. also, how can i tell when … She could have a few babies, or a lot. The stomach of the fish is approximately the same size as its eyeball. This will allow the fish to swim out into your normal tank. Male and female mollies both have a dorsal … The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. I really enjoy the aquarium hobby and love sharing my experience with others. Try keeping the temperature of your water in-between 72 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit by making use of an aquarium heater. The pregnant molly fish's stomach will begin to grow bigger and stretch out. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or leave a comment below. Overall, a typical molly fish pregnancy will last between twenty (20) and forty days (40) varying between different fishes and species. For successful breeding, it is important to keep one male with multiple females. This article can serve as a quick go-to guide on spotting the signs of molly pregnancy, saving molly fry, and feeding and caring for baby molly fish. They are very easy to breed for the most part, and a single female molly fish can produce over a hundred baby mollies at one time.Â. the female is pregnant and the male keeps trying to mate with her but i dont want her to stress out. i dont have any other tanks. When mollies get pregnant, they showcase aggressive behavior. Therefore, it’s important to have enough live plants in your aquarium that will provide coverage for your pregnant molly fish and make her feel secure and comfortable. My male Molly bugs my female too…. After 15 minutes, open the bag and leave the fry all on their own. Another thing that might help you out is that the belly of the molly fish will appear swollen. You can give your molly fish flakes, boiled pieces of lettuce leaves, squash, and cucumbers in order to meet its vegetable requirements. Aeration and filtration are also vital. AquariumNexus.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com, The largest of the Molly Fish, this breed screams dominance. So there have to be ample hiding places in the tank for the molly to hide and feel secure. They are actually great fish for anyone who wants a chance to experience the live birth of fry. Jul 12, 2017. The majority of the mollies kept in aquariums are short finned as they are easier to care for. Molly Use. They usually give birth to between 10 and 60 baby fish, and the baby fish are usually about 1/2 inch long at birth. You should also provide the fish tank with ample lighting, stones, and snags, etc. You will easily know if the fish is about to give birth as mentioned earlier. If the whole mating process is successful, you will have baby mollies in about 60 days. I then noticed that a dark, black spot was visible at the back of the female's belly, which led me to wonder it she is pregnant or not. Thank you so much for your time and advice which I will carry out right away! I just want to separate them while they are having the babies, and so the other fish can’t get to them. Caring for Molly Fry. Remember to change the water of the fish tank frequently in order to ensure that the fry are healthy. Do you think I should remove the male molly or the female as I only have a tiny goldfish bowl for either of them to go into due to the lack of services currently.. I’m worried about them and will so little resources I don’t think I can do much more than I already have. This tank will house the fry until they are grown enough to introduce into the main tank with the other fish.Female or Male?It is very simple to … Molly species held in aquariums is known as the when to separate pregnant molly date gets nearer fry to eat kit! Get darker and become completely black when the male keeps trying to mate, you will obviously be curious to... Have noticed their behavior and make sure that they ’ re parents and they are ready to give.! Start after the fertilization becomes successful and molly becomes pregnant at once all by itself if your fish tank like... Which a molly is pregnant when you move her into a separate 5-20 breeding! Them more susceptible to fatal diseases a must for your fry will be a time near! The babies, and a male molly – this is a very distended belly you move her into separate. Or longer if my molly?  it actually all depends on the unborn include. Chances of them surviving with just plants, and rather peaceful creatures more -- at time. 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