hosea chapter 2 verse 5

And so are idolaters wickedly wilful, and irreclaimable for most part. Hereunto he was drawn with some difficulty, being ready to fight a battle: and this was no disgrace to him. "Then shall she say, I will go and return." Impudent adulteress! He therefore intended to condemn here the whole community. Worldly alliances were of no service; did not give the anticipated deliverance. Hosea 5 The Failure of Israel’s Leaders 1 “Hear this, you priests. But such kind of sinners are singularly impudent, Jeremiah 3:3, infatuated, Hosea 4:11, and past feeling, Ephesians 4:19. God is its centre, and it is restless and void till it meets with him again. Truly this love is so strange, that if we did not see it in ourselves we should wonder at it. "By this text we may gather what true repentance is: namely, when a sinner not only confesseth himself guilty and worthy of punishment, but truly displeaseth himself and seriously returns to God. He is but God's under-bailiff, possesses only as tenant-at-will, or as a borrower, holding a loan. Not find] deliverance from calamity. (Read Hosea 2:1-5) This chapter continues the figurative address to Israel, in reference to Hosea's wife and children. God desires to rouse them from their spiritual torpor. "Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now have I kept thy word. Sinners labour harder than saints, and receive nothing but exhaustion and fatigue. For their mother ... hath done shamefully - literally, hath made shameful. Thou hast cause to howl and wring thy hands, thou hast the curse of God on thee. When she falls away, as we shall more clearly see hereafter, from pure and sound faith. "Why did the cannon-balls spare me to die in this manner? Business prospers, but they consider not their soul. Biblical Commentary Hosea 2:14-20 EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: The book of Hosea is the first of the twelve Minor Prophets. Whence learn--. Here we have two essential parts of true repentance—namely, contrition and conversion; or humiliation and reformation. Thus men are seeking happiness where it cannot be found; committing two evils, forsaking the fountain of living waters, and hewing out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns which will hold no water. is the cry of the many. Adultery is a filthiness in the abstract: so is also idolatry: and therefore idols are called by a word that signifieth the very excrements that come out of a man, {gelulim, Ezekiel 22:8} a term too good for those dung hill deities, those abominable idolatries, as St Peter expresseth it, 1 Peter 4:3. Hoshea - Hosea - Chapter 11 « Previous Chapter 10. 15, 33. played the harlot: i.e. The Hebrew word “Meahabim” denotes intense passionate love; the plural form implies that they were sinful loves. A course of failure. Backslider, what have you gained? It is necessary for the sinner himself. A pursuit under Divine restraint. Since such apostasy prevails under the Papacy, and has for many ages prevailed, how senseless they are in their boasting, while they would be thought to be the holy Catholic Church, and the elect people of God? When the wickedness of such is ripe in the field (and they have filled up the measure of their fathers’ sins), God will not let it shed to grow again: but cuts it up by a just and seasonable vengeance. To explain this thought, the coquetting with idols is more minutely described in the second hemistich. Lastly, this repentance was acceptable. – Hosea 2:14. Therefore behold, I will hedge up your way with thorns, and I will build a wall against her, that she … She herself, uninvited, unbidden, unsought, contrary to the accustomed and natural feeling of woman, follows after those by whom she is not drawn, and refuses to follow God who would draw her (see Ezekiel 16:31-34). These are the idols she worshipped, and the idolaters she associated and traded with. He loves the things which he should hate, and hates the things which he should love; forsakes the true God, and pursues lovers of his own. Hedge and make] Build a wall, a double enclosure of stones and thorns. It is the snuff that dimmeth their candlestick, the leaven that soureth their passover, the reproach that rendereth them a proverb and a byword, an astonishment and a hissing, a taunt and a talk to other countries, Deuteronomy 28:37, Jeremiah 25:9, Ezekiel 5:15 Such was Israel’s apostasy and idolatry, their subjecting religion to carnal policy in setting up the two calves and Baalim: when Ephraim spake "there was trembling, and then he exalted himself in Israel: but when he offended in Baal, he died," Hosea 13:1. Thank God for thorny hedges and massive walls, for all the restraints he puts on sinful men [The Homilist]. And worthily, since they declared their sin as Sodom, they hid it not, Isaiah 3:9. He afterwards declares how the children became spurious; their mother, who conceived or bare them, has been wanton; with shameful acts has she defiled herself בוש bush, means, to be ashamed; but here the Prophet means not that the Israelites were touched with shame, for such a meaning would be inconsistent with the former sentence; but that they were like a shameless and infamous woman, touched with no shame for her baseness. That gave me my bread and my water - The sense of human weakness abides, even when divine love is gone. For she said, “I will seek out 1 my lovers; 2 they are the ones who give me my bread and my water, my wool, my flax, my olive oil, and my wine. And the pride of Israel doth testify to his face: therefore shall Israel and Ephraim … The impenitent struggle on after that which God is taking from them, and will not give up, until the pursuit is found hopeless and exhaustive, and God in preserving mercy brings him back. NET ©: For their mother has committed adultery; she who conceived them has acted shamefully. . Hosea 2:5. Conscience, the Divine officer, warns and checks the sinner. Behold, I will hedge] Exile and distress, and the inability of her gods to help, would prove the folly of her conduct (Job 19:18; Lam 3:7-9). ; wine and other liquors, as Kimchi; these take in everything belonging to food and raiment, and all the necessaries, and even delights and pleasures, of life: bread and water; all sorts of food: wool and flax; all sorts of clothing, both woollen and linen, for outward or inward covering: and oil, and drinks, or liquors; everything for pleasure and delight; all which she ascribed not to God, from whence all good things come; but, which was an aggravation of her sin, to her lovers, her allies, or her idols; as the Jews did their plenty of victuals to the queen of heaven, and their worship of her, Jeremiah 44:17 and as, in the times of Christ, they ascribed not only their enjoyment of temporal good things, but their righteousness, life, and salvation, to their observance of traditions, rites, and ceremonies, and the externals of religion. Never trifle with backsliding. A pursuit after wrong objects. Furthermore, the fence is effectual; if the thorn hedge will not suffice, it is written, "I will make a wall." But what said Luther to all this? Some prosper until, like a wide-spread tree, they are cut down and cast into the fire. Ver. ‘Their lovers’ may be the fertility symbols borrowed from Baalism, or the cult prostitutes with which they engaged. This is in scripture language, playing the harlot, and doing shamefully. But God is the true proprietary, the owner of all: and it is his alone to say Cui vole, do illa, Daniel 4:22. praef.). Follow after and seek] In eager pursuit and diligent search. 3. Hos . "No chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous." The delusive idea expressed by the wife ( אמרה, in the perfect, indicates speaking or thinking which stretches from the past into the present), viz., that the idols give her food (bread and water), clothing (wool and flax), and the delicacies of life (oil and drink, i.e., wine and must and strong drink), that is to say, “everything that conduces to luxury and superfluity,” which we also find expressed in Jeremiah 44:17-18, arose from the sight of the heathen nations round about, who were rich and mighty, and attributed this to their gods. Hosea Saint Jerome, Bible Foundation and On-Line Book Initiative, Ed. That give me — Whereas every mercy she enjoyed was God's gift, a fruit of his covenant, love and faithfulness towards her; yet she denies all his kindness, and ascribes to her idols, the bread she ate, the water she drank, and the clothes she wore. There be many (too many) that say (and can skill of no other language), Who will show us any good? my lovers = my Baals, or lords. The Papists offered to make him a cardinal if he would be quiet. The service of God the only true gain. "She shall not overtake" what she follows; "she shall not find" what she seeks. But instead of lifting the soul to God, they look to the creature for satisfaction; "seek" and "follow after" in eager pursuit of what they love; labour harder in sin, and seeking pleasure, than in serving God. Hosea 3 is the third chapter of the Book of Hosea in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. We have reason to bless God both for restraining grace and for restraining providences" [Matt. For their mother has played the prostitute. # In Hebrew texts 2:1-23 is numbered 2:3-25. But when is a wife, whom God has bound to himself by a sacred marriage, said to become wanton? God governs the world, and seeks the good of his creatures. ), "For their mother hath played the harlot; she that conceived them hath done shamefully; for she said, I will go after my lovers, that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, mine oil and my drink. Murder is not so heinous a sin. It is a spurious seed. What painful hindrances our heavenly Father often uses. 2. Bible > Hosea > Chapter 5 > Verse 2 ... Verse 2. What would become of the world if the wicked were not reined in? She attributes to these idol-gods all those temporal benefits which theocratic history shows to have been Jehovah’s gift, and the consequence of loyalty to Him. He was wont also to say that he had rather men should question why he had no statue or monuments erected to him, than why he had: certainly it is so with the saints; and upon better grounds. Bless thyself! The pursuit will disgust, and end in failure. The next “for” introduces a parenthetical clause—“her lovers”—a word used in a bad sense. "Why," says the man, "if it had not been for that I should have made a fortune." Man's spiritual desires are insatiable, yet ever seek gratification. (a) Given to withdraw men from sinful pursuits. Otherwise I will strip her naked and make … The restraints of God's providence are various in their nature. Judges 16:23 Then the lords of the Philistines gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice: for they said, Our god hath delivered Samson our enemy into our hand. For their mother has played the harlot: she that conceived them has done shamefully: for she said, I will go after my lovers, that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, my oil and my drink. how much better might it be said to the synagogue, and so to all apostates, What a devil meant you to go a whoring from such a husband who is totus, totus desiderabilis, altogether lovely, even the chief of ten thousand, Song of Solomon 5:16, after dumb idols, and false prophets, who are their brokers ( proxenetae et proci) and spokesmen? See Jeremiah 44:16-17; Jeremiah 2:10, Isaiah 44:19-20 : "A seduced heart hath turned him aside, that he cannot deliver his soul; nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand?" But when he declined to idolatry, he became contemptible: and every paltry adversary cast dirt in his face, and crowed over him. But this harlot verified that saying in Ezekiel: The contrary is in thee from other women in thy whoredoms: whereas none followed thee to commit whoredoms, thou followest them; and gloriest in thy so doing, as Lot’s daughters did in their detestable incest, naming their children, Moab, that is, a birth by my father; and Benammi, that is, begotten by one of my near kindred. Moses fitly compareth a whore to a salt bitch that is followed after by all the dogs in a town, Deuteronomy 23:18. This hedge is placed in your way in different shapes. A pursuit with intense anxiety. Speaking of millennial blessings, God promised national increase (Isa. But the Prophet inveighs especially against false and corrupt modes of worship, and all kinds of superstitions; for the pure worship of God, we know, is ever to have the first place, and that justly; for on this depend all the duties of life. Lest I strip her naked, and set her as in the day that she was born, and make her … Going back to Jerome, many commentators have understood these to be the nations of Assyria and Egypt;[22] and Joseph Kimchi ably defended the interpretation that "the host of heaven" worshipped by the Israelites as gods are the "lovers" of this passage. These all might have held their tongues with shame enough. IV. This passage confirms what I have shortly before explained, — that it is not enough that God should choose any people for himself, except the people themselves persevere in the obedience of faith; for this is the spiritual chastity which the Lord requires from all his people. Those who embrace God, would take him up as the best of choices, and his way as the shortest cut to do well and to be well: they are sensible of their own disadvantage in forsaking him: for so much is imported as the reason for her return, "for then was it better with me than now" [Hutcheson]. 1. [Note: Wood, " Hosea," p176.]. While he kept close to God, who but Ephraim? Israel pursued other gods (Baals) because she believed they could take care of her better than Yahweh. Wealth upon any terms is welcome to them, and those are their lovers that will keep them to it, yea, though it be the devil himself: whose language also here they seem to have learned when they say, "My grain and my water," &c. All is their own if you will believe them: like as the devil said to our Saviour, Luke 4:6, "All this wealth is mine, and to whomsoever I will, I give it." Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together. She who conceived them has done shamefully; for she said, ‘I will go after my lovers, who give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, my oil and my drink.’ VERSE 6. This stop the Lord doth often give, though not always to sinners; he sometimes lets them run on to fill up their measure of sin and to receive their full measure of punishment. But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink-offerings unto her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine” Jeremiah 44:17-18. Israel was obliged to confess, "it was better with me than now." God never created man to find rest and happiness in utter rejection of himself. Hosea 8:9 For they are gone up to Assyria, a wild ass alone by himself: Ephraim hath hired lovers. One of his poor beneficiaries ingenuously confessed that he and those of his rank preached the gospel for nothing else, nisi ut nos pascat et vestiat, than to get a poor living by it. I have even heard one say, "Ever since I gave up a profession of religion I have made more headway in business than I did before." , high and massive walls around the sinner, etc find no difficulty eager pursuit and diligent search high massive! With the Scriptures dealing with the Scriptures courts, out of ten those! 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