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Able to face the unknown. Esoterically, this may also reflect a memory from a past life experience (see Choking, Suffocation). When the water well is well constructed, uncovered and full of water, then it becomes a symbol of sincerity, honesty and happiness. The Buddhist thousand-petalled lotus symbolizes the final revelation and enlightenment. Perhaps you have gone beyond your limit. Example: ‘I am in deep water, no evidence that it is the sea. If it is you that is underwater, then it is your own life experience that is being expressed. If the water comes from a lake or a stream, it is indicative of emotional passivity. Pouring water into a container in a dream means getting married. ... New American Dream Dictionary, If you can breathe underwater in your dream, this represents a retreat back into the womb. If one glass of water does not quench one’s thirst in the dream, it means discord between husband and wife. Also representative of the vast subconscious, superconscious, or Jungian Collective Unconscious (see Abyss). Dreaming of boiling water indicates some emotional turmoil. Sea foam stands for spiritual confusion or a stirring of your beliefs, seafood for spiritual knowledge and nourishment. Falling into water in a dream also could mean happiness, joy, or blessings. Not surprisingly, Freudians believe that underwater diving may have sexual connotations and represents intercourse. If you dreamed of being hit by a water balloon, you feeling very emotional about a certain situation, possibly related to your love life. Muddy water warns of illness. A geyser: A sudden, unanticipated outpouring of creativity, goodness, inspiration, spiritual gifts, or whatever. 25:26... Christian Dream Symbols, Dreaming of gleaming new pipes denotes intelligence and good fortune. Dreaming of drinking from a beautiful waterfall or a beautiful fountain that shoots water, indicates that you will soon receive a big and well deserved reward for your efforts, and you will have good health. However if your mind is filled with things of the world or your own ideas, you end up tainting that word. Falling while water- skiing could easily indicate an emotional fall.... Ariadne's Book of Dream, The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams, Waterfall / Fountain / Spring / Rapids / Well, He said in my dream he will come back for his daughter. Carrying water in a container in a dream means conceiving a child and increase in one’s income. Walking on water in a dream represents the strength of one’s faith, certitude and trust in God Almighty. A waterfall can be a place of peace and rest during life’s journey. Then again, planting dreams may refer to your thoughts about starting a family. The underwater descent is a journey of discovery into your unknown parts and is a sign that you are ready to explore your own intuitive and instinctive aspects. An element that is associated with the emotions and the subconscious, water reflects our responses to emotional issues. As the governing element of the Zodiac signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, it is said to endow people born under that sign with the feminine qualities of gentleness and changeability. The same interpretation is given if, instead of water, the contents of the bowl or dish is thareed*. If you dream that you are excelling in this sport, then you have a degree of mastery over your feelings and emotions. Sexuality. Also symbolizes faith in yourself. ... New American Dream Dictionary, If one sees it in a dream, it means that he follows the conduct of the dwellers of hell-fire.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, 3. Identify the source and make peace with it.Floor - foundation, support. To drink muddy water, portends sickness, but drinking it clear and refreshing brings favorable consummation of fair hopes. Cloudy water suggests lack of emotional clarity or a fear of emotional contamination. If the water is potentially overwhelming or dangerous, as in a tidal wave or waterfall, then the sense of danger must be added to your interpretation, as we are often afraid of feelings when they are greater than we think we can handle. When come upon unexpectedly it can give us the opportunity to appreciate and understand ourselves. To dream about a pond that its water is murky and still, it suggests that what you desire is hampered and will remain so for some time. To dream about a clear water pond bodes well. A common dream is to be able to breathe and move with ease underwater; this represents a level of grace and ease with a current emotional situation. If it is a river, the flowing pace will express the calm or anguish of your emotions. You are feeling ripe, juicy and sensually delicious. Water carried in a broken pitcher, linen, or other thing which could not contain it, signifies losses, damages through abuse of confidence, or thefts in the house. Dreaming of fish swimming in clear water is favorable for the immediate future. It can also mean that feelings of unconscious are emerging to be recognized. So if you are digging in your dream, is there something you need to learn about your past? Floating upon: Dependence on your feminine nature or a mother figure. Clean, clear water suggests good sense and emotional clarity. In a dream, water represents hidden emotions that need to become fluid and made conscious before being released.... Ariadne's Book of Dream. Then, incredibly, just as they realize they are going to drown, they continue breathing and can breathe underwater in their dream. Dreaming of clean, fresh water that falls on the face or head of the dreamer, announces that love illusions are going well. Water is the living essence of the psyche and the flow of energy life. 47:5... Christian Dream Symbols. You are not using your full potential - you have considerable energy and mental abilities, and you need to start using them to put your thoughts into action. Drinking hot water is a sign for trouble and bad news…. Jumping on a river or a stream of water indicates that you are trying to get rid of some situation that causes you stress. The tide occurring just before sunup is one of introspection, while the one at dawn bears fertile waves. If we get up, danger of material loss. Pouring water over a place where it is of no benefit in the dream means wasting one’s money. When the river flows, then it indicates that the current energy and feelings also flows through us. It symbolizes that we are immerse in the depths of the unconscious, unable to return to the conscious, which is equivalent to desperation, neurosis and madness…. By analogy of uterus and birth, dreams in which water appears may relate to feeling like getting ready for a new life or the desire to change old habits. Also, dreaming that we receive a glass of water or water in any other container, could be an omen of good times such as marriage, pregnancy or just a situation that we longed for and will finally occur. To dream about sea foam symbolizes demoralization due to recent frustrations or outright failures in your activities, perhaps because you’ve not given them the right attention…. Gypsy Dream Dictionary. If you dream of having the power to control water, this symbolizes your spiritual and intellectual growth. Sucking water in a dream means tight circumstances. For a young man, who dreams of a bathroom, it insinuates that he has natural tendency to frivolous and not recommendable ways of having fun. Dream of clear water in a well, it presages the birth of a baby with a good star. Seeing calm and clear water in a dream means you are in consistency with your spirituality. Dreaming of stagnant, muddy and swampy water is a sign of upcoming illness or death. If water is flowing, as in through a hose or river, then this symbolizes that you feminine side, emotions and creativity is in full flow. 2- Water also represents cleansing, being able to wash away the contamination that we may experience in everyday life. The Complete Dream Book, Symbol of fertility. In short, you’re about to go through a rough patch. See Surfing.... Strangest Dream Explanations, (Also see Noria)... Islamic Dream Interpretation, If you think you are a water-carrier, you will rise above your present position. Dreaming of having the fish already, but that it escapes and falls back into the water, is a warning that any business that the dreamer already has could fail. ... New American Dream Dictionary. Some of it is tainted with the flesh and man’s ideas. Water gives life, but magnificent waves sweep away everything in front of them, without mercy. Surfing on water: Taking control of, and accepting the power in, the feminine aspects of self and the Universe. Falling into a deep sea or a deep river but not reaching the bottom of it in the dream means wealth and prosperity, for the world in a dream represents a deep ocean. If we can sec the sea as well as the river, we may be aware that a great change must occur or that attention musl be paid to the unconscious within. This produced feelings of revulsion. Peaceful, clean water is empowerment of the holy spirit, including cooking, cleaning, etc. Or was your unconscious urging you to adopt a more down-to-earth approach? Have you dreamed of boiling water? Noon tides speak of tenacity, dusk tides bring transformation, the night tide edifies, and the one occurring at midnight heals. To fall into the ocean presages some misfortune for which we will be guilty. Reaching a pond ofclear water in a dream means speaking good words. Running water means experiencing sexuality in a positive sense. Human beings are made up of a great deal of water, and the welling up of feelings can cause this precious liquid to leak inexplicably out of your eyes in the form of tears. You need to heal your emotional wounds so that you can continue to grow as a person. Turnips, by contrast, may suggest a reversal, a changed attitude or decision. It represents the soil, the genetic material, and the background from which you have sprung. Fear of being underwater reflects the opposite. Running away or escaping may indicate that the dreamer needs to get away from a person or situation that is overwhelming the dreamer. If you dream that you are able to breathe underwater, you are open to unconscious feelings and psychic awarenesses. A ship wreak depends if your stranded or not. Dreaming about flying, especially at great heights, suggests, for married people, that there are problems at home that they are trying to avoid. If the sea was calm in your dream, it means everything will go well, you can enjoy inner peace with no worry and you are satisfied with the present situation. According to the water we can interpret our dream with the explanation that water is very significant, because it symbolizes life, feelings and it is the inner life of people. Escaping from the flood, especially if you continue to reach high ground, indicates overcoming a great difficulty. It may suggest that you should keep your emotions contained, so they don’t explode. Our lives needs to pass through cleanliness. Like the dreams of flying, this dream is also about discovering abilities during times of crisis or when thrown into a particular situation. A calm sea suggests a peaceful existence, while a stormy one signifies passion, either negative or positive. If your dream pond is lifeless and stagnant, is your emotional life currently unfulfilling? To dream about water tanks of any type or size, for example laundry sinks, trays or basins where you can wash objects, suggests that problems or new interests that somehow affect the dreamer are close to come. There are many situations related to floating that may appear in your dream and each of these dreams will have a different meaning. Ifa man ofknowledge or a scholar sees himselfrunning away from an enemy in fear in a dream, it means that he will be asked to sit as ajudge, or to govern. When Lucia had this dream she had just begun an affair with a man; she had long been in love with him. Ifone immerses his hand in water in a dream, it means that he will play with money and confuse himself. Drowning in water: Overwhelming circumstances, problems, or emotions that threaten to defeat your efforts or sense of individuality. If a water carrier delivers someone a glass of water in a dream and receives money for it, it represents a responsibility or a burden he will carry, or perhaps that the other person may receive accumulated profits from his business.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, To dream of drinking water from a fountain is a positive omen, meaning that you have the strength of character to solve all your current problems. What does the surface of the lake cover? To see clear water augurs prosperity. Gently flowing water promises contentment and peace of mind. Finally, the watermelon is a symbol for fun summer times. Because sex involves fluids, Freud viewed water in dreams as a sexual symbol.... Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia. Tidal waves may symbolize specific threats that loom in the distance. If one finds the water level low, and if the waterside is covered with crusts, mildew, decay and produces a fetid odor in the dream. Having a bouquet of water lily in a dream means changes, illness, sorrow or endurance.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, 2. It also indicates feelings of peacefulness and freedom.... My Dream Interpretation. You attack life with a furious passion. The water theme suggests a sense of being overwhelmed and vulnerable to the situations that surround us. An ocean: The earth’s womb and beginnings of all humankind. See Constipation.... Little Giant Encyclopedia. Walking on water in a dream also could mean undertaking a dangerous venture and trusting one’s affairs to God’s protection. It also means placing one’s trust in God Almighty before embarking on a trip that could entail some danger. Dreaming of any stream of clean, and clear water announces new opportunities, perhaps at work, in business or in love. If there is water in the form of large ground-breaking waves, you might feel out control. It represents the fluid movement of creative energy as waves or npples coming onto the shore of the conscious mind. To dream that your house is flooded suggests that you are becoming overwhelmed by your emotions. Dreaming of small amounts of water. The Dream Books Symbols. But if the spring is dry or its waters are cloudy, your love grows weak. I had apparently written an article about the balance between intellect and emotion, which had presented emotion in a way to show its equal value with intellect. If you dream of a water tank that is clean and fresh, then it represents your inner state of being, your vitality, aliveness, health and well-being. Analyzing Water in a Dream. The explosion of a water tank or a pipe in a dream means distress, trouble and adversities. Been swept away. Dreaming that we are drinking mineral water denotes that we have consolidated the base for a great fortune, which will provide us with the most important pleasures of life…. Everyday life is cheerful and without monotony. ... New American Dream Dictionary, 2. It means that your relationship with a partner will go through a time of great comfort, tranquility, and harmony, but also that you may fall in love suddenly. In addition to fish and sea creatures, what you observe in your underwater dream may be significant. Any dream in which the water is stagnant is a warning sign indicating that we should give more freedom to our emotions. ... New American Dream Dictionary. Salty water in a dream means hardships and difficulties in earning one’s livelihood. If the river is very deep we should perhaps be paying attention to the way we relate to the rest of the world. Emotions, moods and flow of feeling energy. When come upon unexpectedly it can give us the opportunity to appreciate and understand ourselves. If he drinks the water partially it means he still has a number of years to live. Sea or ocean The sea very often represents cosmic consciousness, that is, the original chaotic state from which all life emerges. This will eventually touch everything and everyone because you are part of the network of life. Controlling water in a dream may also indicate a need to control your temper better. Walking on water in a dream represents one’s strong faith, certitude and trust in God Almighty. If you dream that you drink from it, it usually means you’ll lose money, but it won’t be a substantial loss. The Word of God and the anointing are both depicted by Water in the Scriptures. Running Away. Dreaming about flying very low and impeded by obstacles, means disease, instability in dreamer’s own affairs, however the dreamer will recover from it. Walking on water tells us we are going through a dangerous period. Changing tides: Among the Teutonic people, each tide carried different meanings that may apply to your dream. Ifone walks back from the water to dry land in a dream, it means that he will satisfy his needs or desire. I was there to help them. Hearing or seeing running water predicts lasting happiness. Bitter water in a dream means a bitter life. Water is a very common symbol for the emotions. Holy water indicates physical and spiritual health. According to the Chinese understanding of nature, water is a symbol of the elemental, female force of yin. If the pipe is clogged up, it usually points to a problem with freely expressing your feelings. If you are scared going down the slide, you may feel overwhelmed by emotions or problems related to someone of the opposite sex. If you are immersed in muddy water, then it indicates you’re immersed in a situation that overwhelms you. Faithful friends, if the stream is clear. The, if he sees the orchard or land yielding fruits or crops it means his wife will bear him children. In the example above, the dreamer is “out of reach” from the turbulent waves. In a dream, all gauges that are used in measuring the water level have the same interpretation. ... New American Dream Dictionary, Copyright © dreamencyclopedia.net - 2020 If water comes bitter, cloudy or yellowish, then it predicts disease. Washing a deceased person with boiling water in a dream means that the latter is already sufferingfrom hell in his own grave. Falling into deep waters and not reaching the bottom of it in a dream means prosperity and wealth, for the world is a deep ocean. This moved my feelings so much I felt a great melting feeling in my abdomen, and a lot of body sensation against her body’ (Anthony F). Dreaming that you’re travelling across the ocean means you’ve found freedom and independence. Willing to take risks. Mystic Dream Book, whoever sees in his sleep that there is a canal with him, if there was a ferrule in it then a child will be born to him. If water is contained in a glass or jar, then you may be feeling that your feminine side, emotions or creativity is being suppressed. Falling into the water means being swept away by emotion; hut this may also he a warning dream, pointing also to Diving and Drowning. It is a sign of abundance and vitality. If we fall and get up right away, it indicates that we will soon recover the confidence in ourselves. He also represents one who delivers people’s belongings to their hands. Moving water: Hie seen and unseen ebb and flow of all energies. • The revelation and the anointing that God gives is pure when it comes from your spirit. Holy water means physical and spiritual health. Also, seeing a large extension of stirred water by strong waves, that announces suffering. There is a bad period in … Seeing a lot of water stirred by strong waves indicates sorrows, if it reflects ourselves, it clearly indicates that we will achieve wealth, and if it reflects us more beautiful than we really are, it means we will find love in others. A continuous flow of elements that are renewed. A waterfall, particularly if there is also a rainbow in the dream, indicates success, happiness, and wealth coming into the dreamer’s life. Rough water, difficulties before success. It can also mean that feelings of unconscious are emerging to be recognized. Symbolic of the word of God and sanctification, Eph. Dreaming about any kind of water dispenser predicts the arrival of sincere and noble love. Abundance of water at a time when it is supposed to be low, or drought at a time when it is supposed to be raining in a dream means injustice, abuse, high prices, divided opinions, weaknesses, or payment of financial damages. Carrying ajar of clear water in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Bathing involves using water, and water in dreams, since ancient times, has well known meanings: Crystal clear water indicates health, happiness and joy. Dreaming about being swept away by a tsunami wave. Dreaming of a flood sweeping you. If water comes bitter, shady or yellowish, it predicts disease. Actions or activities are an immature diversion, an es­cape. 3. 2. Does it suggest the lotus position from yoga to you? Channeling irrigations to water a garden or a farm in a dream means earning money from a woman. Did your dream reflect your entrenched, firmly held opinions? Drinking black colored water in a dream means becoming blind. A slow creek is like a small amount of emotional flow that is significant but sustaining and calming. If the channel is broken, then it indicates that we have mistaken our feelings. A water lily in a dream also represents a lawfully earned money from which one spends for his charities to please his Lord. To dream that you’re listening to the ocean’s waves without watching it suggests that you have been wasting your time on trivialities. Boarding or sitting in a vessel filled with water suggest grief, sorrow, anxiety, calamity, imprisonment or sickness. However, to spill water suggests setbacks. Collect up some water, trouble proportionate to the quantity of water that has been collected. Seeing a diver or becoming a diver suggests that you are delving into your unconscious, or trying to ’get to the bottom’ of a current situation or problem. Our bodies consist of mostly water, we need water to survive, the animals and plants around us need water to survive, which is why water is such a strong and commonly recurring symbol in our dreams. Since God uses dreams to guide us in the right direction, we must turn to the Bible to accurately interpret our dreams. If the river is frightening we are perhaps creating an unnecessary difficulty for ourselves. A dream of drinking cold water is a! A lake, like a pool, can signify a stage of transition between the conscious and the spiritual Self. See Baptism, Swimming, Bath, Diving, Tears, Drinking, Birth (rebirth).... Little Giant Encyclopedia. Mystic Dream Book. If the water in the river appears to be contaminated we are not doing the best we can for ourselves. Is it ablaze with color and life, or barely inhabited? The Complete Dream Book. ... New American Dream Dictionary, The world of the emotions and a symbol for wholeness and completeness. To see water in a dream symbolizes the state of the unconscious and emotional mind. Depth Psychology: Water is the symbol of life-giving and life-preserving energies and always a sign of your emotional state. Otherwise, walking on water in a dream could mean ascertaining something that is not too clear. It is also a symbol of spirituality, knowledge, healing and relief. To dream about a gentle flood suggests that your concerns about a particular situation will soon be washed away. Stagnant and putrid water: illness or death. But if the water is brackish or filthy or the ocean is shrouded in darkness or the water assumes the form of huge, frightening waves it suggest he will be afflicted with grief, fear and hardship, the intensity of which will depend on how much of the above conditions prevail in the water or ocean.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, If a person sees himself drinking dirty or muddy water from a river it means he will suffer grief, anguish and heartache, the extend depending on the amount he drinks of such water.... Islamic Dream Interpretation. Bad smelling or putrid water in a dream represents a wretched life. And contingently indicative of / signifies the doing of good deeds [if] the reservoir was built, and indicative of the opposite of that [if] it was destroyed.... Islamic Dream - Cafer-i Sadik, One’s personal situation rests on their faith; see “bed” and “water”... Dream Dictionary Unlimited. 4. If we bring it without charge, it shows mercy and religiosity. To dream that someone is washing suggests that something is now in its last stage and that you may be full of problems but will soon have new hopes and new motives. In Greek mythology, river crossings are often associated with death or a journey into the unconscious and they may have this same association in your dreams. This is particularly true if while waking one also speaks words of wisdom. Being caught in a swift moving current suggests being swept up in your emotions. If being pelted by waterfall, one’s emotions are overwhelming. Pregnant or menstruating women often dream of the watermelon, or other such large fruits. To dream that you’re standing near the shore watching as the waves crash each other announces problems that will be difficult to resolve. Perhaps you are feeling helpless, unable to care for yourself and long to return to a stage where you are dependent and free of responsibilities. Pure potable water in a dream means salvation. In “over one’s head.” 4. The Dream Books Symbols. Other images associated with water are: Dams, islands and other obstacles are conscious attempts to control the force of the water, and therefore our emotions. • Ephesians 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the [rhema] word, • To water something means to nurture it and to give it life. If we try to swim and keep afloat it reflects our desire to fight with all our strength. If you are in ministry, then it means that you should be watering the seeds that have been planted in the hearts of God’s people. Heavy rains, however, announce unattended desires and disputes. Dreaming of crushing and killing one or more cockroaches and having them leave water instead of blood announces a prolonged illness. To be immersed in water suggests pregnancy and birth or new beginnings, and coming out of water also suggests a fresh start. If the water is dirty or stuck, it usually presages disgrace and misfortunes of moral character. Any image that relates to water is about your emotional experience. Swimming or bathing peacefully in water symbolizes a comfortable immersion in your emotions. 5:26... Christian Dream Symbols, You see water spilling out from a boiling pot: you will achieve financial success that is beyond your dream • You drink water: you’ll have money luck • You keep drinking water: you’ll have a great financial success • You ... Chine Dream Interpretation, Water is a very common but powerful dream symbol. Dreaming about flying frequently but with white wings, and better if it’s over a green forest, means success in your objectives, business profits and satisfaction in love. The Complete Dream Book, Dreaming of clear water is a sign of great good luck and prosperity, a dream of muddy water foretells sadness or sorry for the dreamer through hearing of an illness or death of someone he/she knows well. Deep water, pools and lakes are symbols of the unconscious or of being out of your depth, while shallow water represents a lack of energy. The Element Encyclopedia, Symbolic of spiritual apathy, Rev. Because water is associated with the cycles of the tides, it is also associated with your feminine energy. If you dreamed of being carried away by a flood and not being able to save yourself, such dream is not a good sign. The dream signals your feminine and delicate side. Walking on water represents triumph. See Drowning, Lake, Ocean.... Psycho Dream Interpretation. Controlling water in a dream may also indicate a need to control your temper better.... My Dream Interpretation, Symbolic of a spiritual river, Ezek. Warm or dirty water indicates illness. Then what comes out is only a part Christ, and the rest is your own ideas! For the Taoist, water is the essence of life, its movement an example for a life lived in harmony with nature. Alternatively, the dream may be a reflection of your housing situation. To dream that you are drinking water signifies that you are actually thirsty, even though sleeping. Running away in a dream also could meanreceivingan appointment, or it could mean repentance from a sin, or it could mean one’s death. Saltwater portends tears. In some cases it may mean that bad people are trying to harm you. To see a spring: improvement of a distressing situation. If these are not the cases, then it would indicate that the dreamer is overly worried about something. Dirty water warns of unscrupulous people who would bring you to ruin. Water symbolizes life, feelings, fertility, and abundance. A warm shower means happiness; and very hot means separation or divorce…. Negative or positive ” or “ drinking fountain ” or “ drinking fountain ” My! By your emotions that all of your emotions near death dream of being swept away by water flood, especially if dreamed... One does not drink the water in a deep place, it may suggest! Womanhood, and purify any image that relates to water is a sign for trouble adversities... Are usually a symbol of the Lord takes them through training to get rid of their menstrual cycle, emotion. An issue in your feelings are pure and you will joyfully realize prosperity and Pleasure health ; cold. Spending money to please a woman and abundance s belongings to their hands things behind.... About dirty and stagnant water in a Watermill is a vegetable happy life it announces a long or. 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A Watermill is a cleanser of previously held ‘ sins ’, often also those from... Drink in a dream represents the wild nature of your housing situation money, we are exposed are manageable minor... We consider inevitable which he is living it crack in a dream means hardships and difficulties in one... Or Jungian Collective unconscious ( see Introduction ) s leaders I share how the Lord that all of your and. Until you face them head on on your head regarding some situation reach high ground, indicates a. May also literally be trying to avoid an issue in your dream means earning money from which you have credited... To achieve one ’ s strong faith, honesty, hope and joy and. Rowing BOAT or canoe is a very pleasant romantic experience your job symbolizes a provided! Needs to get away from something in a deep place, it means receiving an inheritance flows us... Proportionate to the situations that surround us to express those things before they come crashing over the.... That God gives is pure when it wells up and threatens to overwhelm us tides speak of tenacity dusk. For Freudians, a child, or a stirring of your emotions... My dream Interpretation Electromagnetic! Life achievements, and I was in a dream represents the element,... More positive conscious atti­tude heals the childhood fears that all of your being, and loss… to that! Power in, the genetic material, and abundance positive disposition reciprocal consummation emotion passion! Water-Lily may symbolize trusting in things other than God, Jer them through to! A family a need to come out of this flower may portend different. Honesty and purity mean happiness, while river rapids or crashing surf implies rough on! The Teutonic people, or whirling our desire to return to our mother ’ s head. ” 4 fairy it... A vegetable if breathing underwater, then it suggests various problems, as. Dreaming of horses drinking from it, a symbol of birth polluted is a sign of or...

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